Alliance Standard Date 7.22.5417

I’m still reeling over Marlon’s death. I tried to do some of the studies that he had laid out for me, but I couldn’t focus. He’s taught me so much in just a year and a half, with an enhanced learning headset, of course. I started from basically zero. The Pruzzians kidnapped me when I was only six, and I don’t remember going to school on my home planet, maybe because of the war with them. I can only remember a few words of my native language now, so I had to learn Alliance Standard just to be able to talk to Marlon. I didn’t have any reading or writing skills when he first found me either, not to mention any math or science. I’m still kind of like a little kid in a lot of ways.

I will keep trying to study. Marlon would have wanted me to, and I want to.

I will have to go through a wormhole in a couple of days in order to reach Argus. Flying in open space is easy. The computer does almost everything anyway. But I am nervous about going through the wormhole. I did it a lot of times with Marlon, but this will be the first time on my own.

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