Freedom Day

Today the planet of Blitzgan, and to some extent the entire solar system orbiting the star we call Endira, took a giant step toward freedom and self-determination. The first-ever Planetary Senate will be seated in the capitol of Ardan. Durgess will also be represented, as most of the populace on that planet are remnants of the revolutionaries. For the time being, the Senate will meet in an undisclosed underground bunker for their protection, and because there are few large buildings above ground left intact.

We have a great deal of building to do, both physical and political.

When President Dadra garnered control of what remained of our planet’s war-beleaguered government, he promised to institute planet-wide elections. He took control the same way hundreds of governments leaders did before him—by force. The only difference between Dadra and his predecessors was what he promised. Needless to say, I was skeptical in the extreme.

However, I am becoming more of a believer. Dadra wasted no time in calling for planetary elections. Multiple candidates competed for the available Senate seats, each promising to carry out “the will of the people.” I can only hope they will live up their promises as the President seems to be doing.

It is sad that some of our citizens, unaccustomed to such a freedom, reacted with riots and acts of individual violence. Dadra used the military to enforce security at the polls and to ensure that the elections succeeded. Not a single civilian was killed by the actions of the military. That in itself is unique and praise-worthy.

So, unilaterally and with no authority whatsoever, I am declaring today, 16 Julyn 6248 Freedom Day. Perhaps the idea will catch on and at some time in the future, when ensuring the mere survival of our system becomes less pressing, the Senate will pick up on the idea and make it an official holiday.

Rejoice, my dear citizens, friends, and even those of you who were formerly my enemies. Today a new era of hope begins for the citizens of the Endira system.

Pika RN2378,Editor, The Blitzgan Newscom