Please Donate

All right, up front, this is a shameless plea for donations.

My younger son, Matt, is pushing hard to get his game development studio, Sanctum Games, moving forward. Like a lot of us, he’s coming off a couple years of setbacks, some of them heartbreaking, including the death of his former partner and mentor, Daniel.

He is moving forward. Kenneth Kidder has commissioned Sanctum Games to make a digital version of his table top game, Tortured Earth. To get things started, Sanctum Games has set up a site for donations (only $5):

The funds will be used to pay the programmers and artists so they can get a demo prepared for a Kickstarter campaign to be launched later on.

To the right is sample of what one of the artists, John Kaufmann, will be producing for the game. Beautiful, isn’t it?

Olivia Davis is the second artist, Henry Yantz and Justin Fredericks will program the game, and Justin Wingo is the Sound Design artist.

As you can see, this is not a small operation. I can’t tell you all how proud I am of Matt for putting all this together and for becoming the budding entrepreneur he is.

Please help this promising group get started.

My love to all of you.