Revelation #4: It Will Take Time.

This post is one of several that are the result of a powerful inspiration I experienced during the 2016 Christmas Eve service at my church.

I have already said things will not change instantly. It will most likely take more than a generation to achieve true peace. But think in these terms. Once we head in the right direction, as those who cling to violence die, more and more children will be born into a world where peace is a priority. We’re not talking about the Rapture here in the traditional sense, but the end result will be the same. Those who cannot change will leave, and the ones who are capable of living in the new paradigm will raise children who know how to live in it.

It will take time, generations even. But there has to be a starting point.

This is the last revelation I have for the time being. There may be more at some point, or there might not. I have no way of knowing. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the inspiration for these “revelations” came directly from God. I have been driven to action by God’s inspiration many times in the past, but never have I experienced anything as powerful as this was. It has not unfolded the way I expected, but then I have no way of knowing if it is over yet. God moves in His own time and space.