Back In The Saddle

I recently tried to discipline myself to write every day. I did get quite a bit of writing done that way. My greatest fear was that I would write junk that I would end up throwing out, because I normally try to write based on inspiration. So what happened?

I ran the first four chapters by my critique group. They recommended I throw out the first three. So I stopped writing for a week. I decided I was fed up and would stop writing, at least until I could find an agent interested in what I’ve already written. I have two books in my first series edited and ready to submit, and two in my new series ready for editing.

But, as is usually the case, the writing bug has bitten me again, and as much as I would like to ignore it, the bite REALLY itches. So I’ll be back at the computer again today.

Wish me luck.



Image by Pete from Pixabay.