A New Beginning

I had a very strange experience on Christmas Eve. During the service at my church, I had the strong feeling that God was asking me to have my congregation sing “Let There Be Peace On Earth” at the end of the service. No, I do not normally hear voices, and no, I don’t usually get messages from God, at least ones I recognize. But the more I resisted the idea, the harder God pushed. Eventually I could no longer deny what he wanted me to do. So I charged up to the front of the church at the end of the service and led the song.

Since then, I have continued to feel that God isn’t done with me. Day by day I get more pieces of a puzzle. The best word I have for the pieces are revelations. Like trying to work a jigsaw without knowing what the picture looks like, I don’t really know where this is going or what the end result will be. I only know I am supposed to tell people what I am being told. I haven’t figured out exactly how I’m going to do that, but for now, I’m going to start by using my blog. You can choose to read it, or you can choose to ignore it.

Please understand, however, that what you will read here does not come from me. Believe me, I didn’t want to do this.

Revelation #1: 2017 is a pivotal year.

It represents a “node,” a point in time where humanity can effect momentous change. This year, humanity could begin to turn toward peace—real peace, permanent peace, the end of violence in all its forms. On the other hand, we can also choose to ignore the opportunity for change and continue to march down the path we are currently on, the one that keeps leading us to more and more violence, more wars, bigger and more destructive weapons, and more violence on a personal level against women, children, and anyone who looks different, acts different, or believes different.

Of course, the change won’t be completed in a single generation, but it could begin here. It is up to us to make it happen.

Please think about this. If you want to be a part of the positive change, begin looking for ways in which you as an individual can foster peace. Begin with your own family and friends, and gradually expand to all those with whom you have contact. In every situation you encounter where you could react with anger or violence, try to do the opposite. Seek a peaceful resolution.

One Response to A New Beginning

  1. Avatar Prix Gautney
    Prix Gautney says:

    This is great. I am glad you took action.